Why Pilates?
With the amount of fitness style options popping up everywhere around us, some of you may be wondering why pilates? and what a great question!
Pilates (in all shapes and forms) offer numerous benefits that go beyond physical fitness. From improved posture and increased core strength, to enhanced body awareness and stress reduction, this form of exercise contributes to a holistic sense of well-being, both on a physical and mental scale.
Let’s circle back to the ‘all shapes and forms’ of pilates….
Classical pilates, contemporary pilates, mat, reformer, clinical, small group, one on one! There are endless options available out there to support each and every-bodies need. So where to start?

Who needs Yin Yoga?
In my experience when people first try Yin Yoga, they are tired, stressed, feeling some aches and pains or they are athletes recovering from high intensity or high volume workouts.
So, basically, they are tired or wired or some combination of the two. When I guide them into a Yin pose I say: "Is there any place you can feel yourself gripping or tensing. Your jaw, maybe?" And then I ask them to un-grip. As they relax, they start to feel groggy or sleepy. Sometimes they take naps :) And then at the end of class they say, "Yin Yoga makes me so tired." And I say, "Nope. You were already tired. Yin Yoga just made you aware of it."

Winter Wellness - 6 tips to staying healthy this Winter
Winter is all about slowing down and moving inwards
From hearty, slow cooked meals, and allowing time for rest & introspection, to practicing more ‘yin’ based movement; lets embrace the coming cooler months with these 6 tips to staying healthy this Winter.

How to Find the Right Yoga for You
If you’re thinking about taking up yoga in the new year, you're not alone. Every year the number of people in yoga classes spikes in January and drops a few months later. I've seen this again and again in over 15 years of teaching yoga in multiple studios in multiple countries. And sure - some people are just looking for a quick fix for holiday overindulgence. And others try yoga and just don't like it. But I think a lot of people give up on yoga too soon because the studio, class style, or teacher is just not a good fit. So, if you really do want to give yoga a go in 2022 and you're not sure how to find a yoga class that will help you reach your health goals, here are my observations and a few helpful tips I've picked up in my 20+ year relationship with yoga.

The Beauty of Bitters
The underdog of the flavour family, bitters have had a bit of a bad wrap but I am hopefully here to change your mind and start to introduce some more bitter flavours into your diet. They have an incredible array of health benefits with current research uncovering just how beneficial they are to human health.

Eating with the Seasons: Summer
Hot air, sweaty skin, ice cream, beach holidays, and blue skies. Can you feel it? It screams summer! This season is all about the outdoors, adventure, and playfulness. Related to the fire element in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), summer is a time to connect, feel joy and call on the summer energies for expansion.

Kidney Essence: The root of life
A Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) text I read recently referred to the kidney’s as “the root of life”. This is because according to TCM, the kidneys store the essence. This essence is given to us by both our parents and established at conception; thus, determining our basic constitution. This kidney essence is involved in growth, development, sexual maturation, conception, pregnancy, menopause, aging, mental vigour and vitality.

Eating with the Seasons: Autumn
From the outward energies of summer, autumn is a time to start moving inwards in preparation for winter. Autumn is connected with the metal element of the Five Element theory and the associated organs are the lungs and large intestine. It is here we focus on the art of ‘letting go’.

Eating with the Seasons: Winter
As we progress into the depths of winter we want to take the time to go inwards and focus on more introspective activities- writing, journaling, self-reflection, meditation and breathwork. The addition of warming movements and foods can aid in the dispersing of cold from the internal body and improve circulation, lymphatics and movement of stagnant energy that can accumulate over the colder months.

Eating with the Seasons: Spring
Spring is a time for growth, expansion and renewal. Its natural energy is to release, lighten up, shake off that winter slumber and start to move the body. Springs physical connection according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the liver and gallbladder, coupled with the element wood.

Interoception: Getting to know thyself
You may have heard the term ‘proprioception', the ability to know where your body is in space. Generally, you will be able to know where your right foot is or what your hands are doing without having to think about it too much. So if proprioception is basically feeling the outside of your body then ‘Interoception’ is the ability to feel the inside of your body.

5 Ways to Boost your Immune System
Our immune system is a complex system of cells and organs that rely on important vitamins, minerals and enzymes in our body to function at an optimal level. Not only does our immune system provide a defence system towards infections, but it also keeps other important processes in the body functioning smoothly at all times. But did you know that occasional infections are beneficial?

Natural Ways to Lower your Toxicity Levels
In our fast-paced modern environment, we want quick, simple, easy, cheap and effective products. Convenient yes, good for you? Probably not. Unfortunately, the majority of products available to us today consist of cheap toxic chemical products, processed packaged foods, chemical-laden skincare, and not to mention the daily air pollution we breathe in every day.

Staying Healthy while Travelling
It doesn’t matter if it is a trip to the next town, the nearest country or the other side of the world. It’s not uncommon for our well-planned trips to go astray and leaving us feeling a little worse for wear. Travelling is a big passion of mine, coupled with sensitive digestion (and well, just all-around sensitive), I am no stranger to having experienced some of the perils that come up while travelling.

5 Common Diets Explained
The foundation of good health begins with the food we put into our bodies. These foods break down into nutrients and these nutrients travel all over the body to aid in healing, repair, cellular energy, creating hormones and aiding every tiny process that happens day to day without you really realising. Without these important nutrients, the body’s natural metabolic pathways (think digestion, memory, energy, going to the bathroom) can start to slow down and sometimes stop altogether.